Thai Acupressure Therapy for Health| 60m
The traditional Wat Po Acupressure Therapy for Health
Service Description
Note: If the mentioned timeslots do not suit you, please contact me for arranging a seperate session. Ayurvedic Accupressure Therapy serves not only to relieve pain but is a preventive medicine increasing circulation, stimulating and strengthening the lymphatic system, and opening the flow of life force in order to cleanse and revitalize the body. Ayurvedic Massage not only focuses on the physical body but even more important on the energetic body, where blockages in Chakra regions are removed. The session is combined with foot reflexology to further promote healing of internal organs. Please notice that I am not offering solely Massage sessions. My sessions are meant for people that look for spiritual development. This is a one on one session. Also available on Classpass!
Upcoming Sessions
Contact Details
Orgánica Yoga, Hugo de Grootplein, Amsterdam, Netherlands